Air Mobility Command - AMC Travel United States Department of the Air Force AMC Passenger Terminal's Facebook Page (links are located to the right of your screen). - My Facebook Page Space-A Travel - Facebook https://www. facebook .com/ SpaceA Travels Space-A Travel. 5738 likes � 39 talking about this. You are in the US Military. You have time and want to travel. Space-A allows you to visit the world. Regional Space-A LIVE Schedule Feeds - Facebook https://www. facebook .com/.../ spacea net/... space-a .../1015102949139167... REMINDER: There is LOTS of information available at SpaceA .net including a FAQ and contact numbers and schedules that you won't find on official AMC web ... - Facebook https://www. facebook .com/pages/ Spacea net/313066211670 www. spaceA .net Military (Space-A) Passenger Terminal Facebook Pages https://www. facebook .com/.../ spacea n...